Why Developer, and Soon You as Well, Love the Elixir Memory

Here is Why Developer, and Soon You as Well, Love the Elixir Memory

General, Support

Here is Why Developer, and Soon You as Well, Love the Elixir Memory – Elixir isn’t as popular as other brands in the industry, but this has gained serious fondness from many web developers who claim that it answers their prayers. Before looking down the brand for being less popular, it is always worth for us to look for the pros of this memory first.
– It’s Beam VM
This virtual machine is a lot simpler and smaller while it is actually far more optimized when it comes to resilience. Beam VM is specially designed to empower communication device by Ericsson. For web developers, this lightweight memory helps them to respond on the best way with clients’ requests. It manages every Elixir process.

When we want to see it numbers, we should compare it with JVM. While JVM will require around 300 to 500 megabytes, Beam VM allows Elixir to needs only around 30 megabytes.

– Reliable and Resilience
One of the most interesting detail in Elixir is that it works on special paradigm, let it crash. It doesn’t mean that the memory will let your entire processes to crash. Instead, this will address the issue, recognizing the crash and fix it.

The reason for this powerful attribute lies on several internal tools added in the memory, and one of them is the local Supervisors. This particular tool allows developers to set up their own tree plan for the whole project as well as planning strategy for recovery.

– Erlang Ecosystem
Erlang is derived from Beam VM, and Elixir is based on this. Erlang also makes the very reason why Elixir is highly compatible. Even though Elixir is a lot younger, this Erlang is the same one introduced in the 80’s. Website developers can always use every library available on this ecosystem to be used in the Elixir code. Adaptation and changes aren’t needed. The system for both Erlang and Elixir are the same so the entire details are presented transparently.

There are actually more reasons to love this memory, but these three should give you enough prediction on how great it is. Elixir becoming more and more popular won’t be a surprising news after all.

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